
After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.

Why You May Need a Home Insurance Rider

23 January 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

One of the things you must have when buying a home with a mortgage is home insurance. Since the bank technically owns the property until the mortgage is paid off, insurance protects the home in the event that something were to happen to it. You may assume that home insurance works just like car insurance, but home insurance can have riders that add onto a base policy to cover different scenarios. Read More …

Is Landscaping Contractor Insurance Necessary?

14 August 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you are starting a landscaping business, insurance is a must. Without it, you could face out-of-pocket expenses for incidents that occur while you are on the job. There are several types of coverage that are available and knowing which one is needed for your business is important. To help you with your assessment of available coverage, here is a brief explanation of each: Liability Insurance States require a minimum of liability insurance for landscaping businesses. Read More …

3 Effective Skills For Selling Final Expense Insurance

26 July 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

There is a wrong and a right way to sell final expense insurance. Fail to understand this and your efforts will be minimal, at best. As part of a training program, not only will you learn the intricate details of these polices, but you will also learn how to present them to potential clients. Here is just a glimpse of some of the skills you can expect to develop: Know How to Identify Clients Read More …

Tree Fallen On Your Home? Learn How To Get It Repaired As Quickly As Possible

16 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Having a tree fall on your house can be devastating because it can cause so much damage and cause you and your family to be displaced until the damage can be repaired. Many people have no idea what steps to take if an unexpected accident takes place that causes damage to their home. The guide below walks you through a few tips to follow if you ever find yourself in a similar situation as the one listed above. Read More …

Finding Great Homeowner’s Insurance

14 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When it is time to buy a home, make sure that you stay within your budget. Many people find that they will be able to pay for the mortgage, but they fail to factor in the property tax and the insurance. These expenses can be minimal, but they can also be back breaking if you don't plan for them. When it comes to getting insurance for your home, make sure that it is done so when it is time to close on the home, your home is protected. Read More …

About Me
Choosing The Right Insurance Policies

After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.
