What Is An SR22?
The majority of US states require you to have car insurance if you are going to drive. There are other rules that the states may require drivers to have. Some restrictions will affect all drivers, like required minimums on insurance. Different rules will only affect specific drivers. One of the selective rules is about an SR22.
The SR22 isn't an insurance policy. It is a certificate that your car insurance company files with the state showing that you meet the minimum amount of insurance required by your state. Your state may require people who need an SR22 to carry more insurance than other drivers. You can either check with your state or with your car insurance company. Once you have set up your car insurance policy, your insurance company will file the form with the state's motor vehicle department. Usually, this is done electronically, but you may also want or need a hard copy to keep with the other documents you keep in your car. What are some reasons your state would require you to have an SR22?
Suspended License
This isn't a requirement for everyone who has had a suspended license or who is trying to reinstate their license after a suspension, but some circumstances will trigger the need for you to get one. For example, if you have had your license suspended a few times, showing that you are a habitual offender, especially if you have been suspended for driving without insurance.
Traffic Convictions
If you have been convicted of certain traffic violations, your state may have a law that you have to provide an SR22 when you get car insurance. The judge may also order an SR22, even if the law doesn't require you to get one. Some traffic violations that may require you to get an SR22 are DWI/DUI, being in a car accident without car insurance, and reckless driving. You will already likely pay higher insurance rates because of your traffic violations, and you may have to pay more because you have to have an SR22 because it shows you have a history.
You need to have car insurance if you want to drive. You may have to have an SR22 to have the privilege to drive. If you are required to have one of these forms, talk to your auto insurance company and start the process of filing one of these forms so that you can legally drive.