
After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.

Three Things You May Not Know About Renters Insurance

8 July 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

One of the questions that many renters have is whether renters insurance is worth the money or not. Unfortunately, many renters do not fully understand renters insurance and may believe myths about homeowners insurance and covering renters. If you are on the fence about renters insurance, learning about it can help you make an informed decision as to whether it is right for you. Here are three things you may not know about renters insurance. Read More …

Group Health Insurance For Employers

16 June 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When someone is a business owner of a large corporation, it usually involves the need to hire employees to assist with daily tasks. Due to employees being dissatisfied with their jobs, it isn't uncommon for some employers to have a high turnover rate. An employer then ends up having to hire new employees, which means having to do more paperwork, train, and anything else that is necessary. Offering something that is appealing to employers such as a discounted health insurance plan is a great strategy for decreasing the turnover rate. Read More …

4 Super Smart Ways to Control Your Car Insurance Costs

6 May 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Owning a car is expensive. In addition to paying off your car loan, you must pay for maintenance, registration, and auto insurance. Auto insurance is one of the elements of owning a car where you can influence and impact what you are paying. 1. Maintain a Good Driving Record The best thing you can do to keep your insurance costs under control is to maintain a good driving record. A good driving record is essential if you want to keep your insurance costs low. Read More …

Optional Insurance Coverage You Should Discuss With Your Auto Insurance Agent

8 April 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

The law requires you to carry a minimal amount of liability auto insurance to protect the other drivers on the road from suffering a financial loss if you were to cause an accident. While this is the only type of coverage that you must carry, it certainly is not the only type of car insurance that is available to you. Below you will learn more about some of the most valuable additional coverage options that you will want to discuss with your auto insurance agent next time you get a quote for car insurance. Read More …

5 Factors Car Insurance Companies Consider When Creating A Quote

5 March 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When you shop around for an insurance policy, it is important to understand the factors the insurance company will take into consideration to create your quote. #1: Age Your age matters when it comes to car insurance. Teenagers and people in their early 20s are charged higher insurance rates due to the higher rate of accidents in this age group. Insurance rates also tend to rise due to old age as well; being behind the wheel at 85 will cost more than it would have if you were twenty years younger. Read More …

About Me
Choosing The Right Insurance Policies

After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.
