After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.

Contractor Liability Insurance Help Protect Against Eye Injury Claims

8 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Construction sites are often dangerous places for both employees and passerby. Unfortunately, these sites may contain a large number of dangerous chemicals that could cause complications with a person's vision. Thankfully, contractor liability insurance will protect these companies from being sued for severe financial loss in this situation.  Eye Problems Are Common On Construction Jobs Over 2,000 people hurt their eyes on a construction site every day. That's a staggering number of individuals, especially taking into account that 10-20 percent of all of these injuries cause vision loss that may be permanent and devastating to a person's construction career. Read More …

When Is Government Sponsored Medicare Enough And When You Should Consider Supplement Insurance

25 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

At the age of 65, you can successfully apply for and health coverage under Medicare. This is good news for people who may not have been able to afford medical insurance due to under or unemployment, or financial constraints. While Medicare does enable people aged 65 and over to visit the doctor and go to the hospital when needed, it doesn't cover all related expenses and there are many other health care services that don't qualify. Read More …

About Me
Choosing The Right Insurance Policies

After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.
