Was Your Business Damaged By Nature And Now Insurance Won't Pay? Find A Public Insurance Adjuster Fast

After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.

Was Your Business Damaged By Nature And Now Insurance Won't Pay? Find A Public Insurance Adjuster Fast

1 February 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If your business was damaged by the weather and a natural complication but you feel your insurance agency is not providing enough financial reimbursement for the damages, hire a public insurance adjuster. This allows you to see if you deserve more that is being withheld from your insurance company. There are a few steps to take, and you want to act quickly. Call and schedule a meeting with an adjuster so you can get to the bottom of the problem right away and make sure you have the following things.

Gather Any Visual Evidence

Be sure to have all visual proof of the damage for the adjuster to go over. The visual evidence will include:

  • Photos of the property before damages
  • Photos of the damage
  • Video recordings of the event that took place
  • Debris and damaged items

The more evidence you have of the severity of the damage to the property, both to the interior and the exterior, the better.

Provide Quotes for Repairs

The claims adjuster will go through and determine what they think the amount the damages are worth. If you are able to provide all of the quotes to restore the building to the original state before the event, the adjuster can look at the estimates.

You may want multiple quotes for different things to show that you aren't choosing the highest quotes and that you can back the amount of money that you need. The adjuster should take these into consideration when they decide if you should have received more money.

Policy Information

Print out your insurance policy or provide your adjuster with a digital copy. This allows them to see what you had coverage for, what you expected for payment, and if there are any concerns that you could be denied coverage. This should be easy to find.

Consider Representation

Once you get a report back from the claims adjuster, you will have to submit their report to your insurance agency. If your agency still isn't willing to give you more with the claim, you may need to seek out legal representation. It may become necessary to go through a legal process to get the money that is owed to you.

Don't make any agreements with your insurance policy provider and set the appointment with the adjuster as fast as you can get it scheduled. The quickest way to get the money you need is to try to get another evaluation and to move forward from there. Reach out to a public insurance adjuster to learn more. 

About Me
Choosing The Right Insurance Policies

After almost losing everything we had due to a home flood, I realized that we needed to work harder to protect our finances. I started looking into different policies in the area that would work for my budget and lifestyle, but it was pretty overwhelming to make a choice. I realized that there had to be something that we could do to make a positive difference, so we started talking with insurance brokers in the area. Within a few weeks, we were enrolled in life, auto, and medical insurance plans that we could afford and that would protect us from serious problems. Check out this blog for more information.
